WAVE – Membership

Join our Network

As a WAVE member you become part of the national feminist network that advocates on behalf of women in adult and vocational education and training and employment related issues. Your membership lends strength to that advocacy, giving us a distinctive place in the women’s movement. As a member you can participate in and organise events, add your thoughts to our advocacy, and participate in research and other written work. The Executive communicates with members through our website, including a quarterly e-newsletter, and through social media including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, ensuring an interactive and proactive organisation.

WAVE relies on donations, membership fees and contributions provided by supporters to continue to do the work that we do. WAVE is an independent organisation and does not receive any government funding.

If you would like to be involved with the work of WAVE as a commitee member or by supporting local events, please contact us at wave@wave.org.au

If you would like to join WAVE as a member, contact wave@wave.org.au at this time.

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