WAVE calls for future Migration Strategy to be gender equal

16 December 2022

WAVE calls for the next Migration Scheme to be equitable and ensure that women are not disadvantaged locally or globally by our skilled migration scheme.

Women in Vocational and Adult Education – Australia’s only peak organisation dedicated to addressing, advocating and advising on intersectional gender equity in our vocational and adult education system – is asking the Australian government to create a new migration scheme that stops reinforcing and perpetuating inequity for women.

“Our submission to government seeks to address one point only – that women in our skilled migration system are not treated equally and this needs to change” said Kit McMahon, National Co-Convenor of WAVE.

“Global and local evidence is clear – our national skilled migration system perpetuates our gender segregated labour market, our pay gap, and disadvantages women” said Kit McMahon

WAVE is calling for the proposed Migration Strategy to:
• Be gender equitable
• Based on a transparent definition of skill that can be effectively measured and evaluated
• Ensure that all components of policy falling under the strategy have a gender impact assessment applied
• Ensure that Australia’s skills migration system does not perpetuate and contribute to gender inequality across the globe
• Be in line with Australia’s Plan to Stop Violence against Women and their Children and, the forthcoming Gender Equality Strategy

“So much of our skills, VET and adult education system is being reviewed and examined at the moment” said Kit McMahon. “We are concerned that the current fragmentary approach will not provide government the opportunity to undertake the level of reform that required for our skills system to be fit for purpose. It requires a holistic view especially if we are going to once and for all address the drivers of our pay gap and gendered workforce participation” said Kit McMahon.

Submission: Intersectional Gender Equity and Australia’s Migration System

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