WAVE Welcomes Government’s Launch of VET Workforce Blueprint, Applauds Focus on Gender Pay Gap and Career Progression for Women

Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) welcomes the Australian Government’s launch of the VET Workforce Blueprint, recognising its commitment to addressing key areas of gender inequality within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. The Blueprint, which aims to address workforce challenges across the sector, aligns with several of WAVE’s long-standing priorities, particularly in regard to closing the gender pay gap, improving career progression opportunities for women, and advancing support for early-career teachers and trainers.

Kit McMahon, National Co-Convenor of WAVE, praised the inclusion of the gender pay gap as a key indicator of inequity in the VET workforce. "WAVE is pleased to see the Blueprint acknowledge the persistent 16% gender pay gap in the VET sector," said McMahon. "The recognition of this gap, which reflects a broader spectrum of gender inequities, is a positive step toward ensuring fairer outcomes for women, particularly those overrepresented in part-time and casual roles."

WAVE has long advocated for the removal of structural barriers that limit women’s career progression, especially in leadership positions and industries where women are underrepresented. The VET Workforce Blueprint’s focus on improving pathways for women into leadership roles and creating opportunities for career development marks a significant step forward for the sector. "We are encouraged by the Blueprint’s focus on leadership pathways for women and the recognition that more must be done to break down the barriers that limit career progression," McMahon noted.

Additionally, the Blueprint highlights the importance of mentoring and targeted support for early-career teachers, a recommendation that WAVE has strongly championed, particularly for women in male-dominated fields such as trades. McMahon reiterated WAVE’s support for these initiatives, stating, "Support for women in the early stages of their teaching careers, particularly through mentoring, will be vital in fostering a more equitable workforce."

However, WAVE also identifies areas for further development, particularly regarding the need for an intersectional approach to addressing gender inequality. While the Blueprint makes important strides, it does not fully address the compounded barriers faced by women from diverse backgrounds, those with disabilities and we would encourage the government and stakeholders to go further with the recognition of barriers faced by First Nations educators particularly women. WAVE also calls for stronger measures to combat workplace gendered violence and a commitment to gender mainstreaming across all levels of workforce policy-making.

"WAVE looks forward to working alongside the government and stakeholders in the sector to ensure that these critical areas are addressed," McMahon added. "We are eager to contribute to the successful implementation of the Blueprint and to continue advocating for a VET workforce that truly reflects equity for all women."


Kit McMahon
National Co-Convenor
E: wave@wave.org.au

Further Information

WAVE’s submission to the VET Workforce Blueprint consultation can be found here.

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