WAVE Welcomes New Ministerial Advisory Board of Jobs and Skills Australia

Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) welcomes the announcement today of members to the Ministerial Advisory Board of Jobs and Skills Australia and in particular, the inclusion of distinguished experts with profound expertise in gender, disability, and literacy across both the Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education sectors. WAVE also welcomes the strong representation of women on this key Board for the national education and training system.

“The inclusion of members with such strong backgrounds in critical areas to identify barriers in our education and training system, marks a significant step forward in addressing the systemic and structural inequities across training policy and practice” said Kit McMahon National Co-Convenor of WAVE. “We know that bringing experience of intersectional barriers in our community to the table is key for this Board to make strong decisions to advance equity. The members of this Board are now well placed to undertake cross-cutting work in equity, laying down the foundation for transformative change in public policy and education practices.” said McMahon

WAVE highlights that challenges persist in ensuring equitable access and outcomes within Australia’s VET and Higher Education sectors. The appointment of the Advisory Board comes at a critical time when the need to address these challenges has never been more urgent.

As a leading advocate for equity in adult and vocational education, WAVE looks forward to the Advisory Board's initiatives and strategies to dismantle longstanding inequities. For WAVE, the representation across VET and Higher Education on the Board underscores a comprehensive approach to tackling the issues at hand, promising a future where education and training systems are truly inclusive and equitable.

WAVE raises the importance of the Advisory Board's role in fostering dialogue and action on systemic and structural equity issues. WAVE advocates that it is vital that the Board's efforts align with the needs of the diverse and often underserved populations within the education and training sectors. WAVE further advocates for a collaborative approach, emphasising that success in these areas requires collective action and commitment from all stakeholders.

“A mark of success for WAVE will be the extent to which the advice produced by this Board is evaluated and tested from an intersectional – including gender – lens. We need to now apply the rigor and evidence of intersectional and gender mainstreaming practice to skills policy if we are actually going to change persistence of skills shortages, and barriers to equitable participation in our labour markets” said Kit McMahon.

WAVE expresses its readiness to support the Ministerial Advisory Board of Jobs and Skills Australia. We are eager to contribute to and engage with the Board's work, ensuring that the path towards equity in education and training is both ambitious and achievable. Together, we can address and overcome the persistent inequities that have long hindered our education and training system, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.


About WAVE

Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) is a national network of women involved in VET, adult education, and the broad field of work-related education and training. We provide seminars and workshops, research, policy advocacy, and advice to inform both national and international issues affecting women’s education and training opportunities.

Media Contact

Kit McMahon – National Co-Convenor WAVE 0408250272

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