Advocacy and Lobbying

2021 - 2024

WAVE welcomes the release of the Background Paper for the Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System

WAVE commends VET Inquiry Report: Urges implementation of recommendations that advance Gender Equality in VET

WAVE Welcomes New Ministerial Advisory Board of Jobs and Skills Australia

WAVE Calls for a Gender-Equitable Approach in the VET Workforce Blueprint

Pre-budget Submission: Support for Equitable Vocational and Adult Education: 2024

WAVE pre-budget submission 2024 to the Australian Government

WAVE welcomes new Commissioner for Jobs and Skills Australia

WAVE welcomes new Commissioner for Jobs and Skills Australia

WAVE contributes to and endorses the ACED submission to the Australian Government White Paper, Employment Taskforce, Treasury

WAVE Calls on Federal Government for Systemic Change in VET Gender Equality

Response to Discussion Paper on Supporting Women to Achieve VET Based Careers

Submission on the Terms of Reference for the Federal Government’s Employment White Paper

WAVE response to draft revised RTO Standards

WAVE Response to Future Delivery of Foundation Skills in Remote Australia Discussion Paper

WAVE submission to JSA on annual work plan consultation

WAVE Response to Draft National Strategy for Care and Support Economy

Australia’s Clean Energy Workforce: Response to JSA Discussion Paper

Gender Equality Finally Takes Centre Stage in Skills & Training Budget

WAVE Response to GE Strategy Call for Feedback

Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment

Response to Terms of Reference inquiry into the perceptions and status of VET

New agency Jobs and Skills Australia urged to center lived experience and equity and to engage broadly

Forum: Transforming Education & Training in Australia: Challenges & Opportunities

Response to the questions outlined in the Australian Apprenticeship Services & Supports Discussion Paper

WAVE calls for future Migration Strategy to be gender equal

Calls to make our National Skills System Equitable in the forthcoming Employment White Paper

WAVE welcomes key reforms in the 2022-2023 Federal Budget

Election Scorecard 2022

WAVE’s federal election position

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